Thursday, January 11, 2018 | Noon to 3 p.m. | CNY Philanthropy Center, 2nd Floor Ballroom, 431 E. Fayette Street, Syracuse, NY 13202 |CREDIT: 3.0 MCLE (1.0 Diversity, Inclusion & Elimination of Bias, 2.0 Professional Practice) COST: $60 Member, $90 Non-Member, $30 Paralegal, FREE to the following: CNYWBA Members/Agency/Lifetime/Student | Financial waiver information is available here | Under NYS rules this CLE has been APPROVED for Experienced Attorneys
Families come in all configurations. This three-hour CLE explores LGBTQ parenting issues and what Family Law standards are in place to protect same-sex parents and their children. Plus, catch tips on advocating for your clients who are experiencing poverty and domestic violence.
Topics covered include:
- Cultural Competency/Understanding the hierarchy of needs
- Basics of Public Benefits
- LGBT poverty
- Dynamics of domestic violence
Lunch will be provided!
Presenters include:
Amy Schwartz-Wallace, Esq, is a senior attorney with the Empire Justice Center in Rochester where she’s overseen its statewide domestic violence practice for more than a decade. She provides legal training and technical assitance to attorneys, courts, and domestic violence programs. She is a frequent presenter on LGBT issues and Family Law. Her policy analysis and legislative advocacy has resulted in statutory changes at the local, state and national levels. Her representation of clients in cutting-edge litigation cases, most notably the Third Department’s 2010 & 2011 decisions in Dickerson & Thompson, which provided LCBT families with access to the NYS Supreme Court for dissolution of out-of-state civil unions. Additionally, she supervises Empire Jusice Center’s LGBT Law Project and its Crime Victims Legal Network Project.
Kate Woods, Esq. is a Deputy Director with Legal Assistance of Western New York, Inc. She oversees the operations of all seven of the LawNY’s offices as well as serving as the Managing Attorney for the Geneva office. Kate spent her early career as a staff attorney with the Legal Aid Society of Rochester litigating on behalf of domestic violence survivors in the Monroe County Domestic Violence Intensive Intervention Court. Currently, her work is focused on Family Court Act Article 10 Neglect cases, with a specific interest on the intersection of domestic violence and child protective proceedings.
Kate is a graduate of Vermont Law School and University of Illinois at Chicago.
This CLE is brought to you in partnership with the Central New York Women’s Bar Association.
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