A Program Supporting the Volunteer Lawyers Project
Thursday, March 31st | 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. | 1.5 MCLE Credits (1.0 SKILLS | 0.5 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE)
Presented by Derek English, Esq., Jason Hoge, Esq. and Kelly Gonzalez, Esq., Director of Advocacy Services at Center for Community Alternatives | 12:00 to 1:30 pm | CNY Philanthropy Center, 431 E. Fayette St. (corner of Townsend) — Second Floor Ballroom | 1.0 Skills and 0.5 Professional Practice| Under NYS rules this CLE has been APPROVED for both Newly Admitted and Experienced Attorneys
This program will provide an overview of the Volunteer Lawyers Project of Onondaga County new “New Start” reentry program. The ability to find employment is one of the greatest factors reducing recidivism, but for many their criminal records keep them from being able to find work. New Start is assisting individuals who have criminal records with correct inaccurate criminal histories and with applying for Certificates of Relief from Disability and Good Conduct. With an accurate history and a Certificate in hand, our clients will be more able find a job and less likely to reoffend. We’re teaming up with many local job readiness training programs to identify individuals who are actively seeking employment but who face these barriers. New Start is part of an ongoing effort by OnVLP to end poverty and encourage economic independence in our community.
Attendees at this training will learn the steps to correct a criminal record and petition for a Certificate of Relief from Disability or a Certificate of Good Conduct. This training is free, and attendees are expected to take on one New Start case within the coming year. A limited number of spots may be available to non-volunteers for pay through OCBA as well.
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